tiistai 21. joulukuuta 2021

New album 2022.

Hey, a little update. I`ve been working on new music for a few months now more actively. I`m working on a full album so there´s lots of work still need to be done. It´s going to be a concept album. It will have a loose story from start to finish. The album will contain somewhere around 12-14 tracks.

Music on the album is going to be more varied than before. There will be disco(ish) pop tracks like before but besides those, there´s going to be some slower, moodier songs and 1-2 ballads too. Overall the music is maybe a bit slower than before. It´s partly because of the albums story that requires some moodier songs but also because i just feel like it at the moment.

I´ve been listening lots of 70´s "Pink Floyd" lately, i guess the concept album idea came from there somewhere and also the slower pace of some songs. What else, been digging 70´s and early 80´s "ELO" a lot, "Air" my all time favourite, Elton John...Yeah lots of old stuff. Love 70´s music and sound.

I´m planning to make this blog more active. I´ve been more active on Instagram, follow me there and check my story highlight "Album 2022" to get some insight of the process. But i will post some stuff in here too.

Alright, take care and talk soon!


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